ABC Membership Application
Welcome to the application for membership page of the American Boerboel Club. We are dedicated to the preservation, promotion, and enrichment of the Boerboel breed in America.
Please read all of the material below, complete the form, and then complete payment.
Individual Membership ($35)
Associate Membership ($35)
Household Membership ($55)
Junior Membership ($17.50)
ABC Membership Application
Welcome to the application for membership page of the American Boerboel Club. We are dedicated to the preservation, promotion, and enrichment of the Boerboel breed in America.
Please read all of the material below, complete the form, and then complete payment.
Individual Membership ($35)
Associate Membership ($35)
Household Membership ($55)
Junior Membership ($17.50)
ABC Membership Application
I hereby apply for membership in the American Boerboel Club. I agree to abide by the Constitution and By-Laws of the ABC and the American Kennel Club, and further to promote the objectives of the ABC by:
- 1Breeding Boerboels that possess the soundness, temperament, natural ability and personality as reflected in the AKC Standard of the breed and to do all possible to advance and promote the perfection of these qualities;
- 2Doing all in my power to protect and advance the interest in the breed through my sportsmanlike competition in all areas;
- 3Following the rules of the AKC;
- 4Abiding by the ABC’s Code of ethics, posted below the form.
Importantly, as related to the ABC Code of Ethics, I realize my personal actions, including dog breeding practices, will be considered upon submission of this application. I understand all dues are on a calendar year basis, January to December and are payable at the time of application submission.
Applicant must obtain the signatures of two ABC members in good standing for a minimum of year. If you are unable to find members for Endorsements please contact a board member. All applications are reviewed for acceptance and voted on by the ABC Board of Directors and will not be effective until 30 days after approval. New applicants who are approved will receive a new member packet acknowledging their membership approval.
After completing the form below, you will be transferred to a payment page to complete the transaction.
I understand that the ABC is committed to upholding the vision of the Boerboel Founders and as such the AKC does not permit black dogs or dogs with black dog heritage and that by agreeing to the ABC Code of Ethics, I am agreeing not to breed black on non-standard color dogs or dogs with black dog heritage.
ABC Code of Ethics